Advent Calendar「Teehaus」Tea #22 ● ‘Wintertraum’

Türchen #22 unseres Advents-Teehauses beinhaltete den Schwarztee ‘Wintertraum’
.Door #22 of our tea house Advent calendar contained the black tea ‘winter’s dream’ /home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/f53/42756151/files/2014/12/img_0455.jpg


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Advent Calendar「Teehaus」Tea #21 ● ‘Earl Grey’

Türchen #21 unseres Advents-Teehauses beinhaltete den Schwarztee ‘Earl Grey’.
Door #21 of our tea house Advent calendar contained the black tea ‘Earl Grey’./home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/f53/42756151/files/2014/12/img_0437.jpg
Klassischer Earl Grey Schwarztee – schmeckt auch so – klassisch eben.
Classic Earl Grey black tea – tastes exactly like that – classical.

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Our Snowflake Christmas Tree

Our Christmas Tree is all up and decorated in Snowflakes

(yes, it’s a fake tree & it’s black – we like it this way. ) Some might find the treetop a bit too big maybe, but again – we like it (and standing in front of the tree, it doesn’t seem too big or overpowering). Since I didn’t yet find a treetop that we like and that suits the Snowflake theme of the tree, the handmade paper one will have to do.


Aside from the colourful baubles we have these sparkly Snowflake ornaments my mum’s friend made for us, and they go well with…


this somewhat biggel acrylic Snowflake thingy and our Snowflake lights – I just LOVE how in the evening it does look like snowflakes have just fallen upon the tree. Personally, I like these more than candle lights 🙂

We also have a SPECIAL Snowflake bauble HERE (hopefully the beginning of many in the years to come) on our tree that is a very dear to us.

Aaaaaand just finished wrapping the presents. Now all of them are under our tree 🙂photo.php

Advent Calendar「Teehaus」Tea #20 ● ‘Asian Dragon’

Türchen #20 unseres Advents-Teehauses beinhaltete einen Grüntee ‘Asian Dragon’
Door #20 of our tea house Advent calendar contained a green tea ‘Asian Dragon’/home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/f53/42756151/files/2014/12/img_0419.jpg
Dieser Tee riecht einfach himmlisch – nach  Erdbeeren & Himbeeren auf Vanilleeis im Sommer – ganz untypisch für diese Jahreszeit aber dennoch lecker!
This tea smells heavenly –  like strawberries & raspberries on vanilla icecream on a hot summer’s day – not really suiting this season, but really good and delicious nonetheles.

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Advent Calendar「Teehaus」Tea #19 ● ‘Zimt / Cinnamon’

Türchen #19 unseres Advents-Teehauses beinhaltete den Schwarztee ‘Zimt’.
Door #19 of our tea house Advent calendar contained the black tea ‘Cinnamon’
Zimt war eine Zutat vieler Teemischungen der vergangen Tage, aber immer sehr verhalten dosiert. So ist es auch mit diesem Tee, der sehr mild und somit den ganzen Tag trinkbar ist.
Cinnamon has been in many teas of the past few days, but always very subtle, not too strong. Same goes for this tea, which is really mild and drinkable all day long.

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Advent Calendar「Teehaus」Tea #18 ● ‘Five Spices / Fünf Gewürze’

Türchen #18 unseres Advents-Teehauses beinhaltete mal einen Roiboos Tee ‘Fünf Gewürze’
Door #18 of our tea house Advent calendar contained a roiboos tea ‘Five Spices’
Der Tee riecht wie Lebkuchen, und auch irgendwie nach warmer Wohltat in kalter Jahreszeit (ich denke das ist dem Anis zu verdanken). Es sind so viele tolle Zutaten in dem Tee: Orangenschalen, Zimt, Rosenblüten, Kokos, Anis und Kardamom. Schmeckt richtig gut, und wird heut schon den ganzen Tag getrunken.
This tea smells like ginger bread and somehow like a warm blessing in this cold season (I think it’s thanks to the anise). There is lots of good ingredients in this tea: orange peels, cinnamon, rose petals, coconut, anise and cardamom. Tastes really really good, and we’ve been drinking it around here all day today.

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Christmas Presents for our Baby Girl

Our little girl is a little bit over 5 months when it’s Christmas this year, so she won’t understand the concept of this festive occasion yet. The same goes for giving or receiving presents. However, we still decided to give her something, because she loves everything that rustles….like wrapping paper (in which some of the presents will be wrapped). And she is fascinated by our christmas tree and the lights.

I want to state that for us, Christmas is not an event of LOADS of presents, each super expensive and huge in itself…in our family it is more about cozy memories with the Christmas tree and having mabye one or two new toys to play with right away.

These are the presents we are giving to our girl this year:
1. ‘slumbertoes’ baby shoes – come in various sizes, and we bought 6-12 months. They are handmade with quality leather and come in 9 different designs. We picked the purple ones with butterflies on them (they don’t have an owl design…) They are basically perfect for crawling and last until baby can walk. Thus, the material is really soft and allows baby feet to flex and move around with ease. Personally I really like how they are just slip on shoes with an elastic band to gently hold the ankle of those little feet.


2. A roly-poly-mushroom ^^ in a very cute and colourful design. It’s all plushy fabric on the outside and has a little bell inside that makes a soft (bearable for parental ears) noise when moving it. I think our daughter will love all over it 🙂


3. MULA – the bead roller coster from IKEA – this was actually not planned as a Christmas gift. Originally we only had the roly-poly-mushroom as a playable present to give to her, but then my husband went out to IKEA to only buy some screws or so and he came back with this & a broad smile on his face. Our girl does enjoy shoving the beads on her little play-gym back and forth, and entertains herself for quite some time. So we do think she will like moving the beads on the spiral and the other 2 thingies.

4. This is the handmade present. I’m a crafter at heart so I couldn’t help but making her one present myself. I bought some colourful owl fabric and made her a little quilt
Click here or on the picture to see the whole quilt and more/better close up pictures of it!!

All together our baby girl is getting 4 presents (which I already consider a lot!) out of which “only” 2 are playable items though. We can’t wait for December 24th to see how her reaction is to the toys and new things she finds under the tree.


Advent Calendar「Teehaus」Tea #17 ● ‘Kashmiri’

Türchen #17 unseres Advents-Teehauses beinhaltete eine Grün- & Schwarztee Mischung namens ‘Kashimiri’
Door #17 of our tea house Advent calendar contained a mix of green and black tea called ‘Kashmiri’/home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/f53/42756151/files/2014/12/img_0355.jpg
Diese Teemischung wird laut Teehändler nach alter indischer Tradition hergestellt. Gewürze wie Nelken, Ingwer und Zimt geben ihm eine schöne weihnachtliche Note.
This tea is produced in a way of a long indian tradition. Spices like cloves, ginger and cinnamon make it smell and taste very Christmas-y to me 🙂

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Advent Calendar「Teehaus」Tea #16 ● ‘Früchtetraum’

Türchen #16 unseres Advents-Teehauses beinhaltete mal einen Früchtetee mit passendem Namen ‘Früchtetraum’
Door #16 of our tea house Advent calendar contained a fruit tea with the fitting name ‘fruit dream’.
Joa, der Name sagt hier schon alles…ein wirklich leckerer Früchtetee mit würziger Note. Mein Mann merkte an das es fast wie Glühwein ohne Alkohol schmeckt – auf jeden Fall riecht es so.
Well, the name says it all: it’s a really yummy fruit tea with a spicy aroma. My husband said it almost tastes like (hot) mullet wine without alcohol – definitely smells like it.

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「handmade」Owl Quilt – Christmas present

Our little girl will get only a few presents for Christmas which I will show all together in another blog post sometime. This one is about the handmade present I sewed together for her over the span of 2 days (could probably be done within a day if there are only few interruptions 😉 )

I wanted to make a little quilt and ordered really cute & colourful owl fabric as well as volume fleece and green/white dotted fabric for the back and border 🙂 DSCN2626

The owls are so colourful and cheery, they go well with the over all owl-themed room for our baby girl. I didn’t want to quilt right through the owls though, so I sews around each one and created this sort of honeycomb pattern.


I really like the grass green fabric with white dots on the back as it goes well with the light and bright colours of the owls. In the following picture you can see a close up of the border. I sewed 2 lines close together to make sure it’s attached really well.


And here is a closer look on the different owls pictured on the front of the quilt – aren’t they just so so cute?!!


Aside from this handmade present she will get two little toy-presents to play with right away and one ‘wearable’ present. I do love our tree with the first special snowflake bauble and how we can make our first cozy Christmas memories as a family this year.